Last day

Rode with Abby, Cathy, Terry, John John, Becky and Cathy’s friend today, my last day here. I’m so sad to go home I can’t even describe it. Going to sleep now on the couch at AJ’s and Flav’s house, don’t want to leave…

Some interesting points

Couch-surfing really takes some skill. There’s a lot of things to think about, for example when you should shower (which couch has the cleanest bathroom), when/what to eat (got to be cheap), how to get into the house without owning a key etc. There fore I want to share some tips that I’ve discovered.

First of all: Everything is always cleaner at a girl’s house so chose your showers wisely

Second: It’s pretty hard to find cheap/free food if your a vegetarian so we’ve started to survive on Cliff-bars which are crazy good organic powebars, hold any temperature and provide both protein and energy. They’re like one dollar each and you stay full for a LONG time (aaand they’re chocolate chip flavored). Perfect!

Third: Make sure you hide your girlie stuff like lotion, hairbrushes, soap etc. if you don’t want the rest of the dudes using it.

Forth: Look for fun stuff to play with in people’s garages. You can find great stuff like we found these awesome roller skates at the Jessamine house!

So yeah, find a couch near you and start surfing!

9.00 am

Just woke up on this really comfortable couch. Time to go shreddd… (:

Lake Holden

I moved out of the awesome house today ): Such a sad day but it has been awesome! I woke up at 8.30 and went to get some breakfast with Trudi at Panera. Then I packed all my stuff into Terry’s car and we drove over to Holden and rode with Abby. Today really was a tantrum day cause we were both trying to get the grab on our tantrums. Prob made like 100 tantrums all together today. After riding and tanning on the boat for a couple of hours we went and picked Trudi up to go to Wake Games. Watched the double up contest where Harley totally stomped his grabbed heel 9. After watching the prize ceremony (good riding Amber) we went to get some Chipoltley. SOOO awesome that when I asked for extra guacamole, the dude hit me up good! I was so stoaked on that Burrito.

After that we went to chill on Abby’s dock. Playing guitar and hanging out in the sunset. So cozy! The other dudes went to a keg party on Clearlake but I’m so tired and we’re getting up early to shredd tomorrow so I went back to my couch here at Abby’s. Planning on sleeping sooo good right now.

awesome pic Abby took on her phone