At the Site

Klockan är 7.08 och vi är redan på plats på siten. Nick startar i första heatet ut för dagen, Junior Men, där även Jeremia och Johan ska köra. Efter det är det min och Annas klass och därefter Benjamin. Jag försöker uppdatera så mycket jag kan idag.

Photo: Michaela De Waern från igår

Over internet

Been on my computer for 2 straight hours trying to book  my flights for World Cup. Thanks Xtravel for helping me as much as you have!

Anyways, the team had it’s practice and now we’re eating lunch and waiting for the competition to start. First out is Judith in girls division and then our wakeskaters. Open Women and Men don’t ride until tomorrow so plenty on time to chill. 

The Site

2nd day

Got crazy sun today when I fell asleep after 2 rides today. Still can’t get my Raileys down on this cable so no blind J’s for me.. ): The rest of the team is shredding. Benjamin lands ts bs 7’s like they’re nothing, Anna throws her newly learned BS 3’s and Judith landed another crowmobe (!!).

They guys have noticed that the culture is a bit different here than they’re used to. Last night they went down town and managed to get in trouble with a bouncer after that the didn’t get in.

Bouncer: The club is full guys, sorry…
3 young looking girls walks right by the line and the bouncer lets them in
Oh yeah? But you have room for some 14 year old girls?
The bouncer grabs a hold of Jeremia and drags him away without Jeremia resisting

And many more stories that I seem to miss.