If you don’t own a waterproof jacket…

Just thought that Brandon’s outfit of the day should get some space in here to.

So just finishing up with some lunch before we head out to OWC (Orlando watersport complex) to play! Too bad Nudie Trudie hurt her knee again, it would’ve been fun to ride with her but see you soon anyways buddy!


In my bed, listening to the rain outside which is super cozy but does not match my desire to ride! Today is cable day so hopefully the rain stops around lunch before we go out there.

Yesterday I went out in the boat while Kyle was coaching with some campers who progressed like crazy. It’s sweet to have some more europeans in tha houseea!

Back on shore I made dinner, ate like 5 chocolate chip cookies, watched pulp fiction (yes! I’ve finally seen it) and went straight to bed. I’m stoked on riding, the rain will just keep the obstacles wet and I’ve got my O’Neill Halo to keep me warm so yeeah cable day! (:

Some shots from yesterday



Good morning! It’s 9 o’clock and the temperature is already 20 celsius! Oh look! Cassie made breakfast just for me… (and not the 8 campers that just arrived) 😉 Today should be awesome!


My knee has started to hurt! Ohh noo! But by my calculations I’ll be back on the water tomorrow again. It can’t possibly take any longer than that for a knee to heal, right Trudi? So, I spend this day lying on the beach reeding the Alchemist and focusing on heeling. 


After a looong winter in Sweden I’m finally back on my board again and it feels great! Although I was so sore that I couldn’t move the first week, things are starting to fall into place again. I love being back on the water and I’ve missed the sunlight like crazy!