
We made it!! I am so thrilled to be back on my board in one of my favorite cable parks in the world! I’ve now been here at CWC for two weeks and I’m feeling better than ever on my board. Sure my body was pretty sore after my three month break but thanks to Britta at The Swedish National Sports complex my ankle feels amazing.

I’m also so excited to be back with my boy again and we’ve been spending our days mostly wakeboarding until we literally are too tired to hold on to the handle (well until I’M too tired anyways). There are so many amazing people here from all over the world that I feel like I’ve known for years and everyone are so focused on progressing their riding, its contagious.

We celebrated new years yesterday with the whole park and after having a few beers, a bit of dancing and watched the fireworks on the beach JB and I went for an early night at 12.30. Today I’m letting my body rest for a day before attacking the massive list of trick goals I’ve set up for the next 3 months. Hopefully I’ll get better at updating my website along the way 🙂

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