
The plan was to go and ride on the bay yesterday. That’s to say in the ocean and the boys had already put the boat in the water and filled her up when I rolled down after a day in the store. Soon we realized that it would not be possible to wakeboard in that wind so we ended up surfing instead. Super fun even though Brant kept shouting “shark shark!” whenever I was in the water…

Good friday night with a good crew!

Liquid Force 2012

You guys back home haven’t had the time to walk around, feel the boards, try the boots on and hug these awesome boards BUT I HAVE. I love the whole collection for next year although no board comes close to my melissa. My days look something like this:

Coffee in the store.. My baking mission failed big time btw, not enough sugar ):

I wanna go surfing!!

No riding for a week…

Tomorrow it will have been one week since I last rode. Just spoke to my sick shredder friend Abby from Orlando and really miss being there and riding every day. Apparently she’s been killing it as well! Cant wait to go back this spring even though I’m having a great time here. Just wish I could spend more time on the water. Today I had 2 english people and one aussie dude watching me bake and I have to say I’m not too impressed. I didnt use enough sugar so I’m a little dissapointed but my family promised to save some homemade once for when I come back home. I NEED TO RIDEEEE

Pic from great ocean road



I’ve been hunting down ingredients to make Lussekatter for hours today but people don’t seem to know what “quark” (kesella) is over here. At least I found Saffron and bought like 4 bags of flour so tomorrow we shall see! (: I’ll throw you guys some pictures of yesterday’s after-surf-breakfast. This cool bird flew in and let me feed it by hand! Then we went on a Koala safari which meant we drove the car 20 minutes up the road. We saw a mommy with her baby and they are so cute!

Great Ocean Road

Just got home, showered for like 2 hours and crawled into bed. Last night we drove down to the Great Ocean Road and spent the night by Kennett River. I’ll tell you more tomorrow cause I’m really about to pass out but here’s some pics!


Morning thoughts

Started eating some avocados for breakfast and started to think about how they grow.. On trees? avocado bush or what? Thanks to google I can present you with the fact that they grow on trees which can be up to 20 meters high! This thing is prob. the most healthy thing you can eat pumped with vitamins, anti oxidants and good fat. So get an avocado near you and start eating! (plus they’re frickin cheap over here).



Had such a good time last night hanging out at my friends Mitches house for my first Aussie barbecue. It was Mitches birthday and we had such a good crew going on. I love the parties that happen when you just put these guys and girls together. I don’t want to get into details of the night but lets just say that it involved a lot of games, climbing ladders and dancing in the rain. I could definitely feel how much fun last night was today all day in the store, early night for me tonight!

My first live huntsman encounter.. love it! (and no way that’s not my finger! f that!) The store..
A mixture of stoked Aussies and Texans after wakeboarding a couple of days ago

Learn wake

Something that has helped me a lot in my riding is the website learnwake.com. I’ll prob get in trouble for writing this but I still use The Wakeboard Camp‘s username and password for it but it’s such a sick website! From “video instructions” to “analyze the clip” and library. Love it, Kyle, you’re a genius! (:

Whirly wednsday

For some reason we’ve been starting to name our days after tricks in hope of landing them. So far no great success but at least we’ve thrown some good attempts. Yesterday was tootsie tuesday, today whirly wednsday and friday.. hmm Frontflip friday? Frontsida spin fridat? Faceplant friday? Well anyways next sets should be friday and I was stoked on my riding today. Even though my whirly attempt was.. ehm.. a little special, I got my ts 5 back and started working on sw ts spins. The dudes were working on their Tootsies and hs 3’s and we rode until the sun went down. Then we wen’t back to Luke’s place to hang out with “The impossible quiz” (google it) and Maccers. Sweet sesh!

Oh, and this thing with wakeboarders and beer: How do you do it? If I have ONE (una, 1, en) beer, I can’t do anything on the water. But it’s not too bad having one and watch your friends throw it down in you bikini, in the sun after your sets… ♥