Open men wakeskate!
Mixed Photos from yesterday
Idag så ska resten av laget åka, dvs Oskar, Jeremia på skate juniors, Mickan på Skate open, jag i Open Ladies och sen Patrik och Jocke i Open Men Skate. Jag har precis sett mitt heat och jag har ju sett lättare heat än det. Jag hamnade med Giorgia från italien, Sigi från tyskland och Sian från Irland. Kommer bli ett galet tufft heat! Vi har WiFi på sajten så jag försöker posta så mycket jag kan! (:
Här är lite bilder från Kiev jag tog igår.
Team Sweden
Jeremia var först ut här på em och team Sverige var på plats med matchande solbrillor för att supporta honom! Tyvärr så åkte inte Jeremia sitt bästa åk eftersom att vi inte hade något test åk så vågen var inte hans bästa vän. Han hade också otur med sitt heat och hamnade med två riktigt duktiga åkare så det blir lcq för vår Perry.
Chill N Ride
Suck a sick event!!
I landed in Frankfurt and after a bus and a taxi ride checked in to a hotel with Dylan and DC. After a good nights sleep and hotel breakfast (I LOVE hotel breakfast!) we got picked up together with Sam Carne and driven the 2 hours to the site.
Once there the Chillin’ begun and we had a day of getting sorted in out tents (everyone knows how much I love camping, haha) but luckily the weather was nice and dry and fairly warm. We spent the day hanging in the sun and Daniel, the main organizer, hooked us up with a Mastercraft X2 to ride behind. The rest of the riders arrived too and most of the biggest names in Europe were there. Like Domenic Hurnler, Nikita Martianof, Sian Hurst, David O’Caoim and Lucas Langlois. We all chilled, had some bratwurst for dinner (well except for me since I don’t eat meat, I’ve mostly been living of bread this week-end).
The next day the contests started with the amateur men division and the wakesurfing. To be honest I’ve never thought wakesurfing is the coolest sport in the world but after watching the girls throw down, I have to say, hands down. We kept chilling that whole day too and then enjoyed one of the big afterparties later that night.
Womens wakesurfing podium, such sick riders!
The contest didn’t start for real for us before the saturday and then we rode the team challenge. This was the most fun I’ve ever had in a contest since the format was really special. Instead of the usual one where everyone rides with the same boat and it takes a long time to swap over riders, we now competed with a boat. I was lucky enough to get put in the 2013 X-star (the same boat who drives the pro tour) and even luckier to be in a team with Dylan, DC and Lucas. All of us coaches or sponsored riders at Xtreme Gene! We were up agains the other boats and the guys killed it! Such a great time cheering on, having your friends in a boat and getting scored on the overall impression of the team.
When I rode though, I was a bit overwhelmed by the X-star wake (since we didn’t get to practice before the contest) and crashed on one and a half tantrum my first trick. I managed to get a few tricks in before I crashed a second time on a one and a half frontroll. Still super happy we all went for food and drinks at the prize ceremony and when they presented the results it showed that we had won!! A great feeling to be on top of the podium with some of my best friends in wakeboarding. Later in the afternoon I met up with David Vervennen, his girlfriend Katja and their friends and went boarding and surfing behind his Electric Malibu! Environmental friendly and all! So much fun and they were so cool to me, thanks a million for that awesome evening! I came back in happy and cold about when the sun was about to set, grabbed some food with the rest of the guys and then went on it again.
Team Challenge Podium
The party continued that night and after yet another rough nigh in a tent sunday morning was upon us. This was the day for the big contest but since it’s called Chill N Ride, it didn’t start til way after noon. First up was us girls and I had a great semi- run where I landed most of my tricks. So did Sian Hurst but I ended up winning the semi heat and therefore got the advantage of starting last in the finals. Unfortunately Sian fell on a backroll (a trick she usually does in her sleep) and after smashing some tricks in she took a second fall. That meant that I shouldn’t have to be too nervous since she didn’t ride her best but for me, that’s sometimes even more nerv wrecking. Since I didn’t have to land more than 4 of my tricks my head starts going “Yeah but what if you don’t even do that” and my knees start to shake. So when I rode my pass I got my first 2 tricks dialed and then, I fell on a backroll. Same thing happened to me as to Sian! I was so nervous I was going to fall again before I had landed the 2 more tricks I needed but I tried to shake it off. The actual contest was done in the same format at the team challenge, that ment that I still had the X-star with DC, Martin and Parks in it instead of a bunch of judges so that made it feel less like a contest and more like a fun time out in the boat. I managed to scrape a few more tricks together and it was enough to take the first place! Sian came second and Davids girlfriend Katja came third.
Pro Girls Podium
The mens finals was so sick with the best riders in Europe and it was such a close call between David O’Caiom and Dylan for the first spot. In the end David won it, Dylan came second and Lucas third. Again, a sick podium for Xtreme Gene.
A big thanks to all the organizers, riders and crowd for a fun event. And to the main sponsor Nissan for lending us riders a car when we were there so that we could get food and sleeping bags (:
See you next year!
Bye Sweden, hello Germany!
Mick on a wakeboard!
Yes, that happened! She did really good to with wake to wakes and indy grabs, skate style! She looks really good just posing with my board aswell.
Landslagsläger i tullboden
SM -Recap
Vilket SM! När jag är hemma så lite som jag är i Sverige så är det lätt att bara komma ihåg kalla och mörka oktoberdagar eller regniga midsommaraftnar men den här helgen har Sverige verkligen visat sig från sin bästa sida. Strålande sol, spegelblankt vatten och lätt över 20 grader. (Även fast jag klagade på att det är kallt). Tullbodens vattensportsklubb har verkligen arrangerat ett av de trevligaste SM jag varit på. Kul att se så mycket ladd i Boys och Girls klasserna (får mig att känna mig gammal igen) och jag hoppas att det kommer fortsätta att köras hårt. Grattis till Eira och Harald, de nya SM-mästarna! Och grattis Jeremia som tog hem sitt första SM-guld i Open men. Det är jag och Jeremia som kommer representera Sverige i EM om ett par veckor.
På tjejsidan det här året lyckades jag kamma hem guldet följ av Elin Ferm på en andra plats. Kul att se hur grymt hon kör nuförtiden då sist jag såg henne åka var för flera år sedan och nu laddar hon på backrolls som bara den! Göteborgs båt-tjej number one slutade med bronset efter ett cleant åk.
Härligt häng på bryggan med räkmackor och hallonsoda
På wakeskate så dominerade Michan såklart på tjejsidan och Oskar Gejler på herrsidan. Jag blir lika imponerad varje gång Michan kör! Det finns få tjejer som har en så skön stil som hon. Jag ställde också upp i Wakeskate SM och blev rejält förvånad av att hamna på en andra plats. Bra är väl det kanske eftersom att jag tydligen ska representera Sverige på Wakeskate EM i Kiev! Ska bli intressant att se hur det går.
Bästa peppet går till Kicki för att ha varit så sjukt härlig hela helgen! Både i båten och på det mysiga Caféet Surfers inn i Smögen där vi firade lördags natten. Vi vart glatt överaskade när vi såg Jeremias gamla wakeboard uppspikad på väggen därinne. Det var ett sånt trevligt place så jag tog en hel del bilder på den surfiga inredningen.
Ni hittar fler bilder från eventet på Tullbodens Facebook sida här: Länk
Avslutningsvis ett stort tack till Tullbodens Vattensportsklubb, alla domare och åkare för ett härligt event!