
“When I came to Spain and I saw people partying I thought to myself What the F**k?”

Ferier came to town a couple of nights ago. It is a crazy thing where little Almodovor for 5 nights turns into a crazy party from 9pm to 9 am. We went on friday and had such a great night that I didn’t get to bed until 6am. 2 hours of sleep and then up again to take people wakeboarding. Some of out guests didn’t stop there but kept going with vodka red bull when the rest of us had breakfast at 9am. They where playing the game “last one standing” and two of the refused to give up. By lunchtime we could see one literally falling to the floor and curling up to a little ball fast asleep.

The night was amazing with great rides, shooting ranges and sangria. Pictures speak more then words so I’ll let these talk for themselves.

Yoga Cat


Getting about 3 of these things in my hair every time I do yoga at the camp. Love them!


Hey, so I logged on to dear facebook today and saw this photo that Malin Rapp posted and it’s so awesome I had to share it with you. She’s one of the crazy cable girls from sweden and also a real inspiration when it comes on her view of life. Evereytime I’ve seen Malin she’s had a great smile on her face and a board under her arm. You should check out her website and also when she was shredding with Judith at WCPE. Dawtas are amazing!


3 days of rain

No riding for 3 days since I left my Psycho 3 at home! It’s been a lot cooler that I expected so I’m working on getting it shipped down here. Instead here’s a list of what I’ve been doing:

  • Yoga – Very entertaining since we’re crammed in a pretty small space when we can’t be outdoors and I got a lot of the guys to join me. Teaching wakeboarders to stretch is a pretty fun experience, you should try it if you get the chance.
  • Playing poker – A LOT, I lost so many games in a row that I owed everyone money but being the gambler I am I played one more and won it! Which means I’m now out of debt
  • Baking – I don’t know, something I do when I’m bored. My brother says it’s a girl thing
  • Reading – Finished the third book of The Hunger Games, Loved it!
  • Cuddling with the kittens
  • Looking at flight tickets
  • Drinking an average on 4 cups of tea a day (My Yogi tea I brought from Sweden is almost out!)
  • Waiting to see if I’ll be on the World Cup list or not. (since I missed the last stop due to my appendix surgery I’m not sure I’ll get to ride the next one, I’ll find out any day now)
  • www.bored.com – Love it!

Red bull kitten


We have 3 of them here now! About 7 weeks old and so cute! I got to name this one and since he almost got eaten by a dog (we found him in its jaws) I called him Dogfood. (:


Sore muscles, hair in mouth, skin red from the sun, blasted tower speakers pumping a mix of Chiddy Bang and Taylor Swift, faded red nailpolish, blisters from running, sun in my eyes and a massive smile on my face for achieving one of my goals today. For someone else, it might not seem like a big deal, and maybe it’s not, but it still made me smile today and therefore I’m grateful.


I’m back at Xtreme Gene again! After getting picked up by my lovely boyfriend from the airport we spent the afternoon and night in Malaga, shopping eating frozen yoghurt, hanging out by the beach and having tapas dinner. We stayed one night in a hotel and drove back to Xtreme the next day (after sushi lunch on the beach). Mini vacation felt great and we got back in time to go for a quick ride behind the 220. I’ve really missed this place!