
So happy to have gotten the silver in Poland. I didn’t ride as well as I would have liked with two falls in my run but still happy to be on the podium with these talented chicks. I’ll write a longer blogpost when I’m back home, just thought I should tell you how I did …

In transit

4 hours in Berlin! What to do?? Shopping of course!! (: Almost made it to Poland and jsut found out that I will be competing in the Wakeskate category as well, time to start training (; Can’t wait to see the rest of team Sweden!

Loes and I

We’ve had so much fun the last week! Unfortunately Loes hurt her knee a couple of days ago so she has been forced to take it easy for a few days. Loes being a former elite gymnast this gave her the time to go back to basics. We are so different Loes and I when …

Spain again

As most of you know I was pretty unlucky in the finals, or I let my nerves get the best of me and I crashed out big time. Luckily this time I didn’t get hurt except for my bruised ego but all of those thoughts have started to disappear now that I’m back at Xtreme Gene again. …


Soo happy about my ride yesterday! I’m still buzzing when I think about it! haha Anyways, the course here is really short (since we are riding in a golf course puddle sortof), and the starting dock is hidden so you can’t watch the others ride. The only thing you can see is if they come …

Grand Opening

Last nights opening was insane! I felt like I was part of the Olympics and it was so cool to meet the other Swedish Athletes in the other teams! Good luck to everyone, at least the locals were cheering for us (: (Sorry for the bad quality, I was too busy waving 😉 )