The Perfect Spot

I just saw this picture of the new a-frame at The Perfect Spot back home and it looks siiick! Can’t wait to hit it and all the statuses of people putting their boats in the water makes me happy! I’ve only got two more weeks here in super hot Florida so it’s great to see that it’s possible to ride back home.

New sick A-frame

Last summer at the spot!

Just moved in with Trudi! (:

Yesterday I packed all my stuff and left the Wakeboard Camp to go and live with Trudi on Lake Jessamine. I can’t believe how much heavier my bag has gotten since I arrived.. Anyways, we squeezed it into the car and drove over here last night. We also brought my two drawers from the camp and together with one of Trudi’s boards they make a nice shelf.

There’s six other wakeboarders besides me and Trudi staying in this house at the moment, so it’s pretty crowded. But believe it or not, the dudes are actually CLEANING right now. (Yup, it’s true!) While I. waiting for Trudi to finish school so that we can hit up Odub I went for a run, had some fresh strawberries for breakfast and now I’ll see if the guys will survive hitting their homemade rail in the backyard.


Livin’ in The Bat Cave!


Yesterday, I turned 20 and I felt really old.. It’s like Benjamin always used to say: “It’s only downhill from here”.. Haha, well I woke up pretty early and recieved a phone call from froggy saying that I’ll get my new board and bindnings soon (: Happy birthday to me! (:

Then a bunch of swedish dudes stormed into my room and jumped in my bed with a cinnamon bun and a strawberry. Pretty sweet breakfast, the only problem is that I sleep more or less naked so that was an interesting experience.. I spent my birthday cleaning, running and doing a bunch of boring stuff so that I could get saturday off. Then Trudi and Sara came and picked me up so I spent last night spooning with Sara and we woke up early to hit Island of Adventures today. AWESOME (:

Haven’t been riding much lately but hopefully that’ll change on tuseday when I move in with Trudi.. (: Here’s some pic’s from a while ago by Trudi Andersen.

Pink Zinc!


Igår var en tung dag då jag och Max fick beskedet om att vi var tvungna att ställa in Wake Up STHLM 2011. I och med att vår finansiella situation drog ut på tiden och diverse missförstånd så kan vi inte längre genomföra tävlingen i år. Med ett nästan hel färdigt event och en ny sammarbetspartner i ryggen så fortsätter vi dock att planera för 2012 och vi har stora förhoppningar om nästa år. Istället får jag se fram emot schyssta event som Lund Wakefest, Oysteins summer rail challenge och The Perfect Spot i sommar.

You can’t always get what you want…

Last years poster:

Deadline coming up..

So it’s almost time to apply to universities in Sweden but it sucks! This is what I’d rather do than send in my applications:

F this, let’s go ride…

the rest of rest-sunday

I spent the rest of this sunday tanning on the dock at Trudi’s with Sara and Trudi. We also went to IHOP and got chocolate chip pancakes (yup, I’m super healthy) for breakfast. As we walked in to the restaurant we all realized that we weren’t wearing any shoes, guess that’s something we’ve just stopped doing without really notice it. I’m really tired now so time to go to sleep..

Saturday night out

Just woke up after a night out with Trudi and Sara. After riding with Nicola behind her sick X-star yesterday I went into Orlando to hang out with my swedish friends. We headed over to these guys where we started our night with some pool and downs before going out to Roxy. I had a blast dancing and we met a bunch of our other friends out there. After the cab ride home I, for some reason, decided to swim at 3 am. So I got in the water and was terrified of all the gators. (oh yeah, we saw one up close today when we went on Nicolas boat.)

After my little swim, I fell asleep on the couch and I just woke up, still a little wet with great memories from last night. (:

Pool party

So I ended up at a little private pool party at Katie’s house with the boys and some other people. This is a song which I’ve started to love over here and which makes me super happy! We listened to it a lot tonight..



Had some fun riding today at the camp. The water was glassy and the sun was out (as always) and I tried to get those two tricks down, but nope, not today either.

Pick from wednesday by Nick Johnson