Found this post that apparently never got published, anyways, here it is!:
One of the funnest events I’ve ever been to! The whole day was great! Perfect weather, sunny, no wind and lots of stoak in the air. We started off with some test-runs from 10 in the morning. (This was though after my favorite Natascha woke me up with breakfast.)
There was about 10 open women entering this comp, all of which were cable riders except for me. Or I guess I don’t really know what I am anymore. Or wait, Julie was there so I guess there was two of us.
Anyways, the set-up was great with rails and kickers from CCP and a sesitec 2.0 system. My testrun went good except for that I couldn’t seem to get the handle on my spins. It’s weird riding 2.0 when you haven’t done it for a while. At least the rails worked out in my qualifying heat and I think thats prob why I made it though since the girls were throwing flips of the kickers and air tricks!
I was stoked on seeing Denise again and she killed the air-tricks as usual. Getting me pumped to throw a tiinie little railey. It ended up with me and Denise in a head to head final and she beat me but I got a good second place. Andreas Kjaergaard rode so good with double S-bends and backmobes in his run so he won the Men’s category. Good day for team O’Neill so to speak..
The Danish girls getting ready
Riders Area…