I was so nervous when I was about to ride yesterday so I fell twice on my toeside backroll (which I always land otherwise). Not the best run but still,now I can use the pick-up-line that “I’m one of the top 5 female wakeboarders in the world”. 😉
Congrats to Raimi Merritt, from the US, the new world champion!
Riding in the World Wakeboard Championships 2011 Finals today against some of the worlds best riders! So stoked to have made it this far in my first ever open women worlds. Can’t wait to ride! (:
I rode my LCQ today and made it through to semi’s!! yey!
Mattias went through!
So far two people of team Sweden has gone through their first runs, Johan Wikström and Mattias Hoppe. Jeremia rode his LCQ’s today and even though he rode good he ended up 2nd in his heat and is therefore out of the comp.
I had the day off and spent it exploring Italy with my dad who flew down here on tuesday. I looove Italian ice cream!
love the mountains!

Rode my quater finals today and I got in a though heat with Raimi Merritt from the US, Chen Li Li from China and Deidre Van Neikerk from South Africa. Well let’s just say that this wasn’t my best contest run since I ended up riding with the wrong rope-lenght and fell on my heel 3 which I otherwise have super consistent and so I got 3rd in the heat and have to ride in the LCQ (Last Chance Qualifying) on friday to pull through to the Semi’s. Actually pretty disappointed but afterwards team Sweden, Norway, Amber, Jules and I went down-town Milan and damn what a city! Here’s some pics from today:
The results:
Downtown Milan
Got my board!
Yees! My board (and the rest of my stuff) finally got here! I’m soo excited to put on fresh clothes since it’s pretty warm here so my t-shirt has not been the best one.. The only sad thing is that my stuff were wet when I threw it in the bag after Copenwaken so you can imagine how JohnJohn complains about how our room smells now… Oh and my can of expensive lotion exploded all over my board so at least I’ve got a well moisturized board now!
Today we had the opening ceremony and I rode my test-run today (on Jeremia’s board). It didn’t go too well since his boots were too big for me and the board just felt weird. But got my sweet gear now so we’ll see what happens in the quaters tomorrow. Jeremia Hoppe and Johan Wikström of team Sweden are riding their first run tomorrow too, stay updated! (:
Italian pizza rocks my world!
Just woke up in Italy and heading downstairs for some hotel-breakfast. The rest of team Sweden had their testruns yesterday but my boardbag got lost in the airport so hopefully it’s waiting for me in the lobby now and then I’m off to try the course out for the IWWF World Wakeboard Championships 2011. Yesterday we had a day off which we spent eating italian pizzas at the beach and tanning. And I guess I’m getting really good at checking in girls cause that’s what the rest of team Sweden where doing all day long.
Well, gotta run!
Denise beat me this time! She killed it though and apparently it was close. Well, at least I got some new stuff from O’Neill, off to the after party now! Better update tomorrow! (:
The set up
Red Bull Cope n’ waken
Looking good for tomorrow! (:
Breakfast on the train
I was home for 2 whole nights which gave me plenty time to wash my clothes and reload. Now, I’m on my way to Red Bull Cope n’ Waken in Denmark with a breakfast consisting of cliffbars and water.. Oh and yes! Got internet in the train all the way so these five hours should feel like nothing! Hopefully I’ll be able to get a set in when I get there! laterrr