
So being here in Orlando again is super fun! I can’t believe that the last time I was here was in 2010!! It still feels like yesterday when I’m seeing all my friends from here and I can’t believe it’s been that long! Today was the first day of expo and it was cool to be able to see the new gear for next year from all the board brands. It made me remember that I haven’t showed you the fresh DUP gear yet so here a little sneakpeak on the Geisha Park.

I have to crash out now, more fun happening tomorrow! (:

Can’t sleep

So this thing called Jet-Lag always seems to strike me when I least want it too. Today the conditions were too rough with a ridiculous head wind so they had to cancel the day of riding and push everything until tomorrow. This means that DC will be riding at 6 am and since I am a supportive girlfriend I’ll be there to cheer him on. My heat is up at 8.20 so this means we have to wake up at 5 am!! And of course I can’t sleep.

I don’t really feel too nervous, I think it’s because I have so many talented riders in my heat so that all I can do is to try and ride my best and see what happens. Hopefully it will be enough to get me into the semi finals on Saturday but enough talk about that. Being awake like this has made me jump on the internet and stalk around and that made me find this article about my good friend and inspiration source Malin Rapp. She has the best attitude to wakeboarding and life and I’ve always looked up to her a lot. I am so sorry to hear that she now, due to injuries, has been forced to leave her board behind after a gnarly crash in Cable Worlds last year. Everyone should keep their eyes on this girl though since I am sure that whatever she does in the future will be something amazing and I can’t wait to see where here motivation brings her. Lot’s of love to you Malin, keep on rocking and being a role model for so many girls out there!

Find the article here: LINK