Tantrum to blind (:

One out of many sets of learning tantrum to blinds with my friend Davie comentating.. Makes me laugh so much so I hope you’ll enjoy it too (:

Shortly after this I decided to learn another new trick but it didn’t go so well so now I’ve gotten kicked off the water with a mild concussion and every muscle in my body aching from a gnarly back-edge.

So much stoke right  now so I’m counting the hours til I can get back on the water (:


That amazing feeling..

..Of trying to stretch the soreness away, tape up my ankle which really isn’t too bad anymore, to untangle ropes, load and gas up the boat, get warmed up with some test jumps, feel the wake out, take a deep breath to collect the nerves which are almost exploding out my brain “will it work? It’s not going to work! It’s going to hurt like sh#t! It might work..” and hundreds of crashes in all shapes and sizes. Faceplants, Backedges, breathing water, headaches, sore muscles, stretched out abs, trouble getting out of bed in the mornings, bleeding hands and bruises. They all contribute to that one moment, one day where it all comes together and is totally worth it. Without all this hard work I don’t feel the feeling would be the same, it’s the knowledge of “I can crash and burn a million times but in the end I always get up and do it again”. That incredible feeling of finally, after months of training, landing that new trick. It can make your whole day, or week seem like you’re gliding on top of fluffy clouds. Something as simple as all of a sudden the handle is back in your hand and you kept on riding where you normally would fall, is the best feeling ever!



Home! It’s not too often these days I get to say that but last week I went home. Back to where it all started in the chilly October air. I was loving it, walking around with a big smile on my face when I landed at the airport (which disappeared for a little while when a grumpy bus driver didn’t want to let me bring my bags on the bus).  As soon as I got back to the city I met up with my sister for some dinner at a mexican restaurant and to admire her belly (which now is sticking out due to a little someone growing inside of it).  Next I got to see my mom and being tired from traveling and having a busy scheduele I passed out early after a cup of tea.
Studio photo shoot with Betsafe

The next day I drove (through the crazy Stockholm morning traffic, I’ve not missed that!) to the Visual Air Studio for a days shooting with Betsafe. Studio shooting is usually something I dread but I am so happy I got to work with Oskar and Crill. Not only did they take the edge of the seriousness but they also made me laugh and have quite fun with it. We shot all kinds of things (nothing dirty dad haha) from 9 – 4 and as soon as I was done I jumped in the car and headed by my brothers house to have dinner and hang out with my nephew and his girlfriend.

Trudi and me ready to Surf in the 12 degree Sweden. Love this chick!

The next morning I packed my bags and Biebs (the name of my car) and headed to pick up my friends Trudi and Anna-Klara to go and participate in the chicks-event  “Actionesse” on the eastcoast Torö. The hour drive went fast due to lots of catching up to do and before we knew it we were looking out over the crazy swell created by the wind. The plan was to hit the surf along with the other chicks so after getting hooked up with some boards to borrow we quickly changed into our Psycho 3 wetsuits, hoods, gloves and boots. Now, I’d never surfed wind-swell before so instead of the usual steady sets there were waves all over the place. With the rips and wind not helping Trudi and myself quickly  figured that we were in over our heads (literally) so we deserted back to the beach, got changed and enjoyed a cinnamon bun while watching the others try and attack the waves. I was stoked to change into my Snowboarding onsie since I hate being cold and I patted myself on the back for bringing it.1373516_373408749428638_1901489106_n
At Torö beach, happy after-surf (:

We hung around for a while watching the other girls try and ride their kites before we headed back to the city and changed for a night out. I felt privileged to meet up at the Skate Out store for a sweet night of beers, shopping and listening to Malin and Maria inspire people with their amazing presentations. It’s cool to get reminded from time to time how much our minds can hold us back or help us develop depending on how we choose to use them. The surfing /drowning had taken a lot of my energy so after a few beers with the girls I headed home and passed out.

My dad and Lion looking pretty similar and Happy in the Sofa

Sunday was another family day for me where I ran errands, met up with my Aunt and grandmother and had lunch/dinner att my dads with my siblings. My dad is a big fan of Deserts so we had 3 different ones! I Loved it (:

Some of the deserts, I loove cheesecake!

The next morning I woke up at 6.30 am by my alarm going off. Confused it took me at least 2 minutes to figure out why I had set an alarm before I remembered I had an appointment with my physio so after dragging myself out of bed and jumping on the bus (Bite me morning traffic!) I found myself at The Swedish National Sports Complex, Bosön. The appointment was mostly a checkup on my ankle and I was pleased to get the good news that it’s actually pretty strong now after all my rehab. I got some more exercises and a massage to try and get rid of some scar tissue before I headed back to town for three different “Fikas” (A Swedish way of saying drinking coffe and eating cookis) with my friends and my dad plus picking up my all new Betsafe Board, how sick is it??

My Betsafe board
Yesterday I traveled all day back to Spain and now I can’t wait to get back on the water after my 10 days break! Talk soon!


Video from Worlds

Was snooping around the internet today and found this video from the finals at Worlds! So fun to look back at, even though the wind was hitting us hard! Thanks Dad for sending this to me.

Fun fact, I actually lost my front fin on the first rail hit and you can see how my landing on my first trick takes me by surprise a little. I rode the rest of my run with only one fin but it worked out alright anyways. (: