LOOTS of pictures from World Cup


Home again and looking through some pics on my computer that I haven’t shared with you yet. So here you go!

Part of the Crowd in Malaysia

Raimi and Elke in China

The Stars of China” riding between ours sets

Amber, Raimi and Chen LiLi on the podium in China

Gina, me and Elke on the starting dock in China

“The Fairy Cave” in Malaysia

Exploring Malaysia
Almost all the girls representing their countries in China
Michael signing autographs


So testing some of the 2012’s gear here in London and may have gotten a sick job offer! Tell you more later… 😉


Efter att ha åkt i flera timmar i stormigt väder igår på kabeln så sa min rumpa ifrån när jag gick upp ur sängen i morse. Vi blev väckta av ett telefonsamtal från Peter från rummet ovanför vårt och sen var det bara att hoppa in i bilen och åka iväg till Frukost på Starbucks. Jag ääälskar Starbucks med min White Chocolate Mocha till frukost (tack Froggy ;)). Nu ska vi iväg och åka ett par timmar till innan det bär av hemåt igen, så grymt skön crew! 


When I got here last night my phone wouldn’t work at first so once again I stood in a city, having no idea where to go and no phone. Luckily Team Froggy found me and we went to find the hotel. After driving for about 45 seconds the GPS died and we had no idea where to go. The charger didn’t work so we stopped and asked people. I’m not really sure what they did since I got to borrow Tom’s ipad and discovered a bunch of games. After the 7 minute drive became an hour and 7 minutes we got to the hotel and everyone went straight to bed. Now we just woke up and are about to get breakfast and then play on the cable park. 

Everyone’s been complaining that the airplanes fly straight through our windows so that they can’t sleep. I’ve slept like a princess so I don’t know what they’re talking about. Maybe it’s the fact that I like live at airports?


Anyone know where I am right now? In a tiny FInish city where my last name was invented by taking the same name as a lake here. My last name means Deep Lake in swedish so I was a little confounded when I found out that the “Deep lake” is only 4 meters deep.

anywas, spening some quality time with my family before heading over to London. Cant wait to ride some cable!

England med Team Froggy!

På Söndag bär det av till London med team Froggy för lite cable shredd! Riktigt grymt att när jag hör av mig för att jag behöver nya bindningar så diskuterar vi lite om vad jag ska åka på till nästa år lägger på med att jag ska kolla runt lite. 2 sekunder senare blir jag uppringd och frågad om jag vill följa med till London helt free of charge. Jag gillar mitt liv! (Och min brädbutik!) Ska bli sååå kul att åka lite igen då jag inte har stått på brädan på nästan en hel vecka nu… 

Bild från World Cup i Kina

Sweet teaser!

Kolla in teasern från Axel Ågren, Egil Furre, Stefan Ahlfelt med flera. En svensk wakefilm på G till våren. Verkar sweet!

Going home -oops delayed post

Had one last breakfast with the gang here and soon we’ll be dragging our board bags (masked as golf bags to not have to pay for them on the airlines) towards the airport. Thanks to awesome Xtravel, I have a direct flight Bejing – Stockholm and I’ll land at 17.30 later tonight. After living in hotels for the last 16 nights it’s going tobe good to come home. Although I’ve probably had my last boat set for this season which makes me kind of sad. But being here and meeting all these people has given me some new ideas for where to spend my winter.



Staying here for a couple of days! Such a good trip! I’ll post some pictures later but now, I’m off to see Trudi (: