I’ve been getting some questions about how my knee is doing so I figured I’d do another little write-up about it. Let me start off by saying how stoked I am to be back on the water! All in all I feel like a million bucks and I am taking my time getting back to charging it again. Physically, I feel pretty good. I can ride cable and boat again and I am still working on getting my strength back up to 110%. I just need to be careful to not ride too much as my knee tends to get sore if I do. My PT tells me its because I had 3 surgeries during a short period of time so the joint capsule needs some time to recover and therefore gets irritated easily. Basically, I just need to be patient and keep building strength.

My biggest surprise coming back to wakeboarding was the mental aspect. I was sure I was going to feel frustrated of not riding at the same level as I was right before the injury straight of the bat and was sure that my level would be so low. I also thought I was going to be scared of wakeboarding and re-injury. Luckily this was so not the case!

As soon as I got back behind the boat I felt like it had only passed about 2 weeks since my last boat set. I feel like I could go out and do all the tricks I used to do again and the fear is almost none existent. (I think maybe going straight out of Rehab to the O’Neill Hit the Road winch trip without a knee-brace might have helped with that haha). The only part about boat riding I’m not comfortable with yet is landing in the flats as I don’t have the same strength as before. I’ve been taking my time working on building the strength back before getting back into trying my more advanced tricks but in my mind, they feel just like before. I guess we will see in a couple of weeks 😉

I’ve had days behind the boat where I got a bit frustrated and felt like things were never going to work out. I guess this is just natural, I’m only human. One day after a bad set and getting mad at JB for no reason I went home, had some food and went to sleep. I was back to normal again and the next day I had the best set yet. I’m heading back to Sweden in a few days to ride my first contest back: the Swedish Nationals. I’ll keep you posted on how I go 🙂


The second episode was my favorite time on the trip! The DIY challenge, where we each were given €40 in the hardware store to try and build our own wakeboard was so much fun! Also we were hitting up spots in Berlin and Dylan almost got in trouble with the local police riding one spot in the heart of the city. Check out all the action and let me know which wakeboard you think was the best!


Van life (1 of 1)-2

How to make sure you’re the first on on when the cable opens? Sleep in the car! We parked the van at BSR this weekend and besides hitting up the cable we got to join Round III Media in the making of their next video. I felt like I was a part of one of those american beer commercials. There were music, people flipping off a diving board, jetski’s, girls in bikinis waving an american flag, pit bikes  and a helicopter. Stay tuned for this one, I can’t wait to see how it turned out!

My knee is loving the cable riding and I have already started learning rail hits that I didn’t know how to do before my injury. Before I used to focus a lot on kickers and as I am trying to ease back into it, I’ve been given the opportunity to work on rails. Now we’re heading back to Austin to get back behind the boat again as I have the World Games coming up in about a month!


Aimn (11 of 13)

Hi “y’all” !

I can’t express how happy I am to be back in Texas and back wakeboarding “for real” again. I have some strength to build back up but all in all I feel way better than I thought I would after 12 months off the water! After an injury like mine it’s important to keep up with your rehab routine even as you get cleared to do what you love. I have been lucky enough to work with the best in the business back home in Sweden and the physiotherapists at Bosön have created a custom program which I follow. It consists of two full rehab workouts a week and three shorter ones which I do after wakeboarding. Along with cardio bike-rides and wake boarding I hope that I’ll be back to full strength in no time!

The hardest part for me is actually slowing down and resting which is as important as all the workouts. I learned the hard way that if you don’t let your body rest continuously you risk getting injured. So today is one of those days where I’ll be spending almost all of it in my p-jays, sipping coffee and getting back on top of my computer work.

Just thought I’d catch up and if you want to check out the workout wear I’m wearing, its Aimn Sportswear, created by my buddy Tecla!


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Photos: Stefan Eigner

Can not wait to show you what we got up to on our 10 day road trip through Germany with Team O’Neill! The first episode explaining what it was all about will drop next week but I can tell you I’ve never done anything quite like this.

I got cleared to start wakeboarding after my multiple knee surgeries about 2 days before this trip so I was being a little rusty and cautious with my riding. Winch is pretty gnarly as the spots are usually concrete and if you mess up, things can go bad, but I was stoked to give it a go and to hang out with the crew. My knee is feeling better every day now, maybe I should write another blog post explaining what happened with my injury but the story is too long to explain here. Either way, I was over the moon just being back on my board, eating nutella with the boys and watching them hit some insane spots! Keep your eyes peeled next week!


Brevbilaga Brevbilaga

Excited to have gotten the opportunity to talk about equality in sports with Swedens largest sports-newspaper! Read the interview digitally here (if you speak Swedish):


This is for the girls who are told they can’t.
For the girls who’ve been told they can’t spin, can’t ollie,
can’t this, can’t that.

Why should we support you?
Why should we recognize your passion, your sacrifice, your dedication?

For the girls who always have to ride last.

This is for the girls who know that riding like a guy is NOT a compliment.

For the girls who know what it feels like to be forgotten and left out.
For the girls who don’t know what’s possible,
And for the girls who do.

This is for the girls who are pushing boundaries
and breaking barriers.

For the girls who have been objectified and reduced to… a body part.
This is for the girls who will shape the next generation.
For the girls who realize it’s time to Change. The. Conversation.

Your insecurity does not bother us and it won’t stop us.

For the girls who will not apologize and, against all odds, will overcome your judgment.

We don’t need permission to change the world.
So remember girls…
When they go low, we go HIGH.

Edited by: Nicola Butler
JB O’Neill / Tyler Hanley / Trever Maur / Aaron Rathy / B Squared Media / James Tyrell / Wilfried Rick / Sean Kilgus / Charles White / Clack Audiovisual


Carro 5 Hi Res

Crazy week!! Thank you everyone who took a stand with me against the sexism in wakeboarding! Especially thanks to Wake Sista and Still stoked! Can’t wait to see how things plan out and I’m overwhelmed by the love and respect both male and female riders have shown this week! It’s all about the love! Like the love I felt during this photoshoot with Tyler Soden!
Can’t wait for this summer!