This is what my current Flip Flops look like. (Fun fact, Aussies call flip-flops “thongs”) So yeah, Petter if you read this, My wishlist for Christmas is a new pair of O’Neill Flip Flops when I come home (:
Back from the river
Had such a great couple of days at the river! Rode in one of the sickest spots I’ve ever ridden, almost landed a new trick, chipped a tooth (not bad), played the game of life and did like 1000 pushups, drank red bull and slept under the stars. Thanks Lawrence for having us up there, it was amazing! I’ll tell you more about it tomorrow but now I’m about to pass out (as usual). Gnight!
Crazy spot with my favorite aussie crew
Going wakeboarding!
Leaving town to go ride on the Murray river for a couple of days. Lately I’ve been working on a new trick and I got pretty close on it the other day. I managed to get the handle so now all I have to do is land it! (: Time to pack I guess so that I can make it to where the dudes are picking me up in time!
Picture bomb!
Today I decided to drive down to the peninsula which is the part of melbourne’s that connects to the ocean. Since it was christmas day, I was pretty much all alone in the national park down there and it was amazing! There was a lot of old construction left there from the world wars so walking around there alone pretty much made you feel like you were in a video-game. So sick! I’ll have to show you a lot of pictures to understand this (and the pictures still don’t do it justice).
When I left the house I didn’t know that I would be hiking 12 km…Got to stay on the track
honestly? I was pretty scared walking around in these buildings all alone
Some ships went through the opening to the bay
Oh! and these are the shoes I chose to wear for my 3 hour hike!
I was so proud of myself for not turning around when I saw this sign!
tried to ke picture proof when I was at the end but I guess that water could be anywhere. Well, I was at the end!
First ♥ last ♥
Merry X-mas!
It really doesn’t feel like x-mas when it’s this warm and no snow but I’m thinking a lot about my family. I spent my christmas even chilling on the beach since I fell asleep 4 times before putting the boat in so we decided to kick it today. Miss all my friends and family in Sweden and hope that they have a great time! I get so happy when you message me or comment on my posts. Love you guys and hope you have a great rainy christmas! ♥
We saw some kangaroos the other day and my english room mates got as excited as I am about them! So cool! Anyways, they were not as cool when we accidentally hit one with our car 15 minutes later. But luckily it was fine, just a little dazed since it bounced of the side of the car. You apparently hit kangaroos when you’re driving here, how crazy is that???
Wilsons Prom
Hanging out at home, doing laundry today (super exciting I know!) Looking at my friends from WCPE videos and posts from Thai Wake Park where they seem to be having a blast! Can’t wait for you guys to make an edit with Judith, who just got there and learned so many tricks the first day! (you go girl!)
I’m living on the memory if yesterdays surfing which was at one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. Every time we go on a roadtrip over here I feel like I’m in a videogame. Had a great drive down to the prom playing car games with my english roomies and Mitch too. AND we were camping! Me, Carro, camping in Australia with just a couple of jokes being made on my account about getting eaten by wombats… Oh, btw, we saw a wombat! (:
The surf was nuts! Even though the waves were a bit unpredictable we were the only ones out there. The water was about the same color as my wetsuit and it was super sunny (which we could tell by everyones’ wet-suit-tans later). I love it here and I cant believe that I haven’t been surfing more earlier.
Briony about to go for a surf
Energy uploadWilsons prom is the most southern part of Australias Mainland so the water was pretty cold. Luckily i had my Psyscho 2 so I was super comfy, lika a ninjahh!
Going surfing!
Leaving to go and camp the night at Wilsons Prom (?) and surf all day tomorrow. Roadtrip with my roomies and Mitch! (: Can’t wait for all the car-games to start and to hit the water tomorrow! We are so getting Mcflurry’s!
I love you chocolate, I love you!
Banana Bread
Got up early today to make some banana bread for breakfast. This is how I made it (ish, cause I just winged it again, hopefully this will turn out better than my Lussebullar)Oh, and yes, I do liters!:
75g Butter
3 dl milk
2dl chopped up almonds
2 squishy bananas
1 liter flour
2 packs of dry yeast (15g)
2dl sugar (ishh)
3 eggs
some salt
Do this:
Melt the butter and mix with the Milk until its about 37 degrees. In the meantime mix flour, sugar, yeast, bananas, eggs, salt, almonds and sugar in another bowl. Pour the Milk and butter in there and get your workout on by mixing it. Then leave to rise for about an hour (I was in a hurry so I did 40 mins)make one or 2 loafs and bake on 200c for 30 mins. I realize that this might not be too wakeboard related but it’s still a great breakfast! (;
Staff party
Christmas party with Deja Vu ski down at the watersport center today. Food, wakeboarding and Johnno and Neil on a tube, can the day turn out better? Well, yeah! I landed a sw hs 3! (:
Shannon wakeboarded for her first time, super shreddaah!
We all got christmas presents and had to sit in Santas lap, haha cracked me up!
Alex getting friendly with Santa
Rach getting her present
Us Braeside people got some pretty nice presents
Haha, you crack me up!
Awesome presents from Santa
Jen got an awesome t-shirt!