
Just saw this picture on facebook of my sister making “Lussekatter”, something I’m planning on doing here as well. I got a little homesick yesterday and got a couple of e-mails from my family reminding me of them. I love you guys!

My sister back home right now, haha and my brother in the background with an O’Neill tee! 

Last year when me and my brother baked…


5 December

Wow! It really doesn’t feel like december over here! I haven’t understood that it’s christmas soon, except for when people walk in the shop to buy wakeboards for christmas presents.  Been taking it easy these last couple of days kicking it with Mitch and my roomies. Last night I made a veggie lasagna which they all ate! (pretty stoked). I’ve also managed a trip to the hospital since I had some gnarly bites on my legs and I was sure I was going to die, being bitten by a spider in my sleep but they turned out to be just a rash (which I still needed pills for but all good). Anyways, off tomorrow and going surfing for the first time since i went over here. Can’t wait!! (:

A picture by mr. Connor Brown from Doonstock

Lukes garage

I loove this! This is dedication to keep your boat safe and sound in your garage. Luke actually has to run the trailer into the wall and mount some parts off it in the front to fit his boat with a margin of 2 cm….. I’m speachless 





Yesterdays Shred..

Had my SAT today so yes! Finally got it over with. I am pretty impressed that I managed to drive all the way there and back (Which was supposed to be a 1 1/2 hour drive) and only got lost 3 times! The test went alright and now I just got to remember to finish my application.

Here is some pics from when we rode with Luke’s 210 yesterday  at the Water sport center (:


Sick friday sesh!

Had some great watertime today but I have to get up in 5 hours to drive 2 hours and write the SAT-test so I’ll tell you about it tomorrow

Doon Stock

So after partying all nigh saturday we went up early on sunday to pack up our stuff and start heading to the marina. We cruised along the houseboat with 2 wakeboardboats and everyone shredded like crazy on the flat water. I remembered what everyone had told me and put on tons of sunscreen and I still got burnt. It felt so good being back on the water and we shot a lot. That night we stayed in the houseboats playing drinking games and the next morning my core muscles were sore from laughing.

I’ve met so many cool people this weekend. The stoke that was in the boat just inspires me to ride and the stoke on shore makes me pumped on my life!  Can’t wait to go out next time!

While waiting for some pictures on my memory card I’ll give you a sick girl-shredder to get inspired from! Sophia Reimers


So, I’ve already shown you my room, here’s the kitchen. So far my roomies have only found one gross bug and a snail in here but it just makes me feel less lonely 😉 Since I’m lazy and dont have my memorycard you’ll have to be happy with my photobooth camera (:




After staying friday night at Johnno’s friends, playing pool and shooting guns we went up early saturday and drove down to the sight while everyone worked on pronouncing my last name in the car. I ended up being named “Duplay” and we worked a couple of minutes setting up the Deja Vu tent before it staret to pour rain. Since I hadn’t been on the water for a month I didn’t care so as soon as we had a little gap in the weather my friend Mitch took us out on his boat and I had such a fun set! Then the other guys in the boat grabbed some sets too and it started pouring again. One of the guys, trent, had brought a drink out and I still laugh for myself when the picture of him in shorts and sunnies explain that his red bull/jäger now consists of 50% rainwater. I met a whole bunch of Mitches’ cool friends who were all staying on a houseboat and when the rain started pouring again we chilled inside waiting for it to stop and as soon as it did we went out again. After a couple of sets I was pretty beat so be started a game of poker. Now, everyone in my family knows how much I hate losing but this time I was so close to win! haha fun game anyways and time flew by.

Soon it was night-time and we started the drinking games instead. After a while of kings cup people from other houseboats started coming over and after a while we went to the, in lack of a better word “dj-area” where people were throwing it down to sick tunes in their flipflops. I was thinking about going barefoot but Mitch told me to put my shoes on since there might be broken bottles on the ground. Then he didn’t take his own advice so a couple of hours later sure enough he stepped on a broken bottle and started leaking blood like a broken milk carton so we all freaked out a bit. Since myself and one of the American dudes had a couple of coronas ourselves when this happened we felt a bit unnecessary standing looking at everyone else patching him up so we decided to go back to the party where we stayed until the DJ stopped playing around 2 am. Then we moved the party on to another house boat and let’s just say I have plenty more numbers in my phone book now!

Oh, and I don’t have any pictures from the weekend yet but I do have the pics Niclas Magnusson shot when we went to Denmark a while back so to make this post look better I’ll throw them in! (:
(Click on them to view them bigger)

Copyright: Niclas Magnusson

Back from the lake!

Sorry for the days of no blogging, I’ve been living on a houseboat without internet for the last couple of days. Just got back from an awesome weekend at Doonstock, a wake-event similar to Liquid Force’s Brostock in the States. Basically a bunch of people who love wakeboarding and drive their boats up to the same spot and then just ride, ride, ride! I wasn’t supposed to go up there but I then the plans changed and I’m so stoked they did! Johnno (who’s the reason I’m here in Australia) picked me up on friday night and we drove the 3 hours there. That night we stayed with his friends out on the countryside and being a city-girl I thought that was an adventure! Saw my first Kangaroos jumping along the car and got super excited!

We stayed with his friends out there and just chilled that night. They thought it was pretty funny that I got so excited about their everyday life so we went for a night-hunt where they tried to shoot some rabbits for eating. I fired my first gun! (Not on a rabbit but a target) I saw a wombat, so many kangaroos and lots of rabbits. Since we were out in the bushes we had to use flashlights to see and look for the reflection in the rabbits’ eyes. One time we saw a huge pair of eyes and someone went “there’s one over here” but then he got answered “no, thats just a spider”. Then later that night I found a dead one of these in the bathroom…..

I feel like I have so much to tell about Doon Stock that it will take several blog posts. I can tell you this though, unfortunately I don’t have any pictures yet since I met two awesome dudes from the States who wanted to make an edit with me so they used 3 GoPro’s and one super camera to film and therefore have my memorycard. I bet the upcoming film will be sweet though!

Hold on, got to grab some food, will write another post soon! (:


Sorry about the Swedish, conclusion from this post/day: Melbourne city is awesome and I did not buy shoes!

Alltså den här staden! Det är som en blandning av Florida, Stockholm och London med det bästa från respektive stad. Idag har jag hängt runt och kollat in shoppingen (utan att spendera speciellt mycket pengar), druckit kaffe från Starbucks, solat på stranden inne i stan och ätit en vegetarisk macka på ett strandcafé. Jag vill bara spendera all min tid i den här staden med att gå runt, kolla in softa små caféer, skatebutiker varvat med min kvinnliga svaghet för skor. OCH den Australienska accenten överallt…
Jag kan inte vänta länge nog till helgen dock då jag ska iväg till ett wake-event några timmar härifrån tillsammans med en hel drös av folk. ÄNTIGEN ska jag få använda min nya Melissa och komma tillbaks ut på vattnet! Jag åker upp (eller ner, mina geografi-skills är grymma) dit imorgon kväll och jag tar med mig min GoPro så vi får se vad som händer.

Spårvagnar! Kanske lite Göteborg här också då?